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등록일 6월 30 2015

미국 비자 기술 결함이 부분적으로 해결되었습니다.

프로필 이미지
By  편집자
업데이트 4월 01 2024

The technical glitch that erupted in US computers affecting visa processing across the world is partially resolved. The problem lasted for more than 2 weeks resulting in a backlog of more than 70,000 visa applications globally, especially those of farm workers from Mexico stuck at US-Mexico border. A team of more than 100 specialists was constantly working to resolve the problem and bring back the systems to normalcy. The systems are now working - though not completely efficient yet, the US government has said that the issue is partially resolved. And it has started issuing visas worldwide. According to the report published on 나스닥, State Department Spokeswoman has said that more than 50 of global consultants/embassies have started issuing the visas. It further stated her saying that the consular posts all over have issued about 45,000 visas in a single day, a little less to its usual number.


The glitch has resulted in multi-million dollar loss to the US. It affected travel plans of millions of people as handling biometric clearances become difficult. Many had to redo their biometrics as the data such as fingerprints, etc. was affected. Hoping the US visa glitch is soon fully resolved to the relief of the farm workers, travelers and students planning to start their education in the coming intake.


이민 및 비자에 관한 더 많은 뉴스와 업데이트를 보려면 다음 사이트를 방문하십시오. Y축뉴스.

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미국 기술 결함이 해결되었습니다.

미국 Visa 기술 결함


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